Dandelion Salve

Dandelion Salve 002

The Heart of the BottomsUp 2/3 Acre

Dandelion this ; Dandelion that! Just wait til you check out Dandelion Salve! This salve practically knocks our socks off!!!

We have found it to help all sorts of inflammation such as:


~mystery rashes

~allergy  rashes

~and here is one for the pets too for hot-spots !!

I like to use it for dry, rough and chapped skin; hands and feet, and for just moisturizer my face (the scent is kind of sweet).  Of course this is a must use for all the scraps and bumps that go with the hard-working farm hands around here!

To the recipe below I had added Lavender (good for calming, relaxing, antibacterial and antiviral) and Geranium (has a lot of good healing qualities…too many to list) essential oil. I added about 8 drops each to the salve just before pouring into jars.

Dandelion Salve is now the No.1 salve used on this homestead!

Hats off to The Nerdy Farm Wife for the link I used to make Dandelion Salve:


About Mammy Oaklee

A wife, mother, grand-mother, farmer and wrinkly ol' writer, who's finally got some roots planted in 'The Heart of the BottomsUP 2/3 Acre.' A born and raised city-chick, who found many'a smiles where her heart had always longed to be, in the country. Digging in as close to the beginning of creations, and finding wonderment with a smile. I live my life as a rollar-coaster adventure, and always adding new dreams as old ones are full-filled. Of course, I write about it all!
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