All Veggie Stir-Fry ~ Summertime

Delightful Veggie Stir-fry

OH this is SO YUMMY! This dish is full of fresh, light mingling flavors and has a very pleasing display of color to present!

So simple and quick to put together!

While your rice is cooking, get out your skillet and oil with coconut oil. Then start chopping up and tossing the following, in your require amounts:


Purple Cauliflower

Red Onions

Goji Berries


and bits of Orange Peel

Cook until tender, not mushy. Then, sprinkle with 2-4 cap fulls of lemon juice (or squeeze a couple of lemon wedges on veggies.

Fill a dish with rice and top with your stir-fry.

A very delightful, flavorful quick dinner! Enjoy!


Summer Stir-fry Dig In!

Summer Stir-fry Dig In!

About Mammy Oaklee

A wife, mother, grand-mother, farmer and wrinkly ol' writer, who's finally got some roots planted in 'The Heart of the BottomsUP 2/3 Acre.' A born and raised city-chick, who found many'a smiles where her heart had always longed to be, in the country. Digging in as close to the beginning of creations, and finding wonderment with a smile. I live my life as a rollar-coaster adventure, and always adding new dreams as old ones are full-filled. Of course, I write about it all!
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4 Responses to All Veggie Stir-Fry ~ Summertime

  1. I am making stirfy tonight. Different veggies though.

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