Board Games

Board Games

Call me a ‘Fuddy-Duddy’! Go ahead, I can take it. What I can not take, is the game of ‘Life’ with family under one roof who will all be gone before too soon, this I know.

All grown up and some gone out on a ‘Trivial Pursuit’ of their own. The reality of the nest shrinking is too clear for me. Soon, they will all be out on their own game of ‘Risk’ conquering the world. So this Ol’ Wide Load had a little chat with the ‘King of (The) Heart’ of the BottomsUp 2/3 Acre.

Oh alright! Maybe I had a final ‘Kick the Can’ moment and a complete ‘Ker Plunk’ and ‘Snap’ melt down,  😛 either way, Pappy heard me and agreed with me! 😀 This Ol’ Mammy wanted more family time in the ‘cards’ and she is getting it!

To the ‘Kings Court’ I shared the ‘Jeopardy’ we were in. It became apparent to me that people can live here and ‘Hide ‘n Seek”.  Make sense? Okay, I see the ‘bobbing for apples’ of heads going up and down, you are with me.

At any given time, in the evening, when all are settled back under the roof, you can find people here, but all doing their own thing! ‘Pictionary’ this, one at a desk working her blogs :P, and two over there playing the X-box, one upstairs on another computer, and yet, another in the back on the TV!  They were ‘Scrabble’d all over the house! Sound familiar? This was a regular event, every evening and on week-ends. This was the ‘Clue’ that I needed, telling me that something must be changed on this ‘Battleship’.

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So, I made my move, a ‘Deal or No Deal’ with Pappy about what I saw and how I felt.  I know, I know, it is a  ‘Powerpuffs Girls ‘ thing that only females can see. But when I explained that our family was ‘sliding down the chutes more than moving up the ladders’, Pappy saw the ‘War’ too. (Or Pappy knows that a happy Mammy is a Happy Heart of the BottomsUp!) Either way, we all win!  😉

Quickly, a Heart of the BottomsUp meeting was called for all those who live here. If you live here, you are considered family, and if you are family then you play by the family rules to avoid a ‘Family Feud’.

A new game was starting. The new family rule starts now, until ?? The rule is, there will be no more electronic games except on weekends. A small amount of TV is acceptable and Mammy is allowed the computer.  It is part of her work and keeping us in touch with other “Lord of the Rings” families.

Whoa! You could have heard the dice popping in ‘Trouble’ when we announced that! We wondered if the ‘Dominos’ would be knocked over and scattered! But ‘Go Fish’ what happened next?

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Board games came out! The ‘Operation’ was scattered all over the dining-room table with a constant buzz! Laughter had replaced the ‘Charades’ that was!

The ‘Queen of Hearts’ played the game of  ‘Wits and Wagers’ with the ‘Mastermind’ and we were all blessed for it! We are all together again! Joking, rolling dice, teaming up, losing our marbles, skipping turns and having so much fun ‘Bridge’ing the gap that it would ‘Boggle’ your ‘Cranium’!

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Gone are the days of  “Solitaire”! Now there are more “Phase 10” times together. As for the electronic games, Pacman is on a short timer to chomp his last ghost… he has his time on weekend nights, but even that is shared with ‘The Never-Ending Story’!  🙂

Are you curious how long this will play out? Me too, but for now I’m happy as a child in ‘Candy Land’ for every “Pass Go” moment in this “Monopoly”!

The first deal started the last week of December. We have enjoyed this for a full week so far! There have been no “Malarky” of complaints from anyone! 🙂

Kinda makes you ‘study the board’ doesn’t it… if we all just need that little “Twister” to have a ‘Full House”.   😉

Go ahead, “Truth or Dare” call me a Foddy Duddy!

About Mammy Oaklee

A wife, mother, grand-mother, farmer and wrinkly ol' writer, who's finally got some roots planted in 'The Heart of the BottomsUP 2/3 Acre.' A born and raised city-chick, who found many'a smiles where her heart had always longed to be, in the country. Digging in as close to the beginning of creations, and finding wonderment with a smile. I live my life as a rollar-coaster adventure, and always adding new dreams as old ones are full-filled. Of course, I write about it all!
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8 Responses to Board Games

  1. Love board games and my kids do too.

  2. Mammy Oaklee says:

    Reblogged this on The Heart of BottomsUp 2/3 Acre and commented:

    If you are wondering if we are still with the ol’ board games? We ARE!! You will not find us playing “Solitaire”, but you could find us “Crazy Eights ” around the kitchen table!

  3. enzo says:

    I’m elated to see a place that expresses my feelings about one particularly great part of life [board games]. They should never be underrated in the family experience.

    • Mammy Oaklee says:

      Thank you! Still going strong here…although, the game of “Life” has changed routine some, we can still be found playing board games at the kitchen table weekly. 😀

  4. Ann Van Etten says:

    Enjoyed this. We need lots more of this togetherness.

  5. Loved this! Nothing is healthier for the family than some old-fashioned together time. I remember when I was at that age where I was a ‘disconnected teenager’ my Mom used to lure me from my room for a game of RUMMY! At the time it seemed so innocent BUT now that I’m a Dad I see that she was finding a way to spend time with me…to find common ground. Thanks Mammy for the laughs and the memories!

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