My Family Found My Smile and Brought It Back!


 There are some days that my smile is gone,

It some how disappeared between the night and dawn!

Where did it go? Why did it up and leave?

I need it to come back and give this frown a reprieve!

This day started off on the slow down in the dumps,

Things weren’t going quite right but I have to get out of this slump!

I ask my loving Father for his help and guidance,

He answers me by sending little messages from a distance!

On a little screen from my home I see my family,

They may be miles away but today they are in front of me!

There’s a “Hi! How are you?” or  a “We miss and love you too!”

Just seeing these heart felt messages makes my smile break through!

I am so blessed to have a Father who knows how to put me on track!

Because my family found my smile and brought it back!

(C) Jennifer Emlet











About Mammy Oaklee

A wife, mother, grand-mother, farmer and wrinkly ol' writer, who's finally got some roots planted in 'The Heart of the BottomsUP 2/3 Acre.' A born and raised city-chick, who found many'a smiles where her heart had always longed to be, in the country. Digging in as close to the beginning of creations, and finding wonderment with a smile. I live my life as a rollar-coaster adventure, and always adding new dreams as old ones are full-filled. Of course, I write about it all!
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5 Responses to My Family Found My Smile and Brought It Back!

  1. Ken & Pat says:

    Some people are so gifted with being able to express themselves through words, definately brought a smile back 🙂

  2. Ginger Sorg says:

    Oh this is very nice Jen!! And so very true.!!….All of you do so often put my smile back on those “grey” days:))) And great idea
    Mammy for thinking to compile poems in this way! Me likey :))

  3. Mike Robbins says:

    Very wonderful poem, Jen!!! Brought a smile to my face just reading it!!! 😀
    That wonderful encouragement can come from sooo many ways..Gotta LOVE FAMILY!!!!!

  4. mammyoaklee says:

    Oh yes 🙂 this poem warms hearts. Jennifer Emlet’s poems have really surprised me. She can truly wrap a warm blanket of words to comfort a reader. I look forward to sharing more of her hidden gift. Thank you Jennifer for allowing me to do this 🙂

  5. Nothing like the rush that comes from the encouragement of friends! Feeling well captured in verse here. EXCELLENT!

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